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Enrichment Clubs


After School Clubs – Term 3

Day Club Year Teacher Cost Per Session Spaces
Mon Infant Football Club 1-3 Mr Lecarpentier £20 (Full payment required) 12
Mon Singing Club R-6 Mr Regan FREE


Tues Young Voices 4-6 Mrs Williams £5 24
Tues Hip Hop 1-6 Charley Hawkins £20 (Full payment required) 16
Weds Tag Rugby 3-6 Mr Lecarpentier £20 (Full payment required) 12
Thurs Junior Football Club 4-6 Mr Lecarpentier £20 (Full payment required) 12
Friday Dynamic Sport R-6 Joe

Dynamic Sports Coaching School Services


If your child wishes to take part in any of these clubs please ensure that you have completed consent and payment.

'Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud'  
​​​​​​Maya Angelou